accoutrements - noun personal clothing, accessories, etc.
His watch was his one of his best accoutrements.
apogee - noun apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth; a final climactic stage
The apogee of the sun rotating the earth happens once a year.
apropos - adj. of an appropriate or pertinent nature; adv. by the way; at an opportune time
A lot of chemists coalesce their test subjects together.
contretemps - noun an awkward clash
John had a contretemps conversation with his father about puberty.
convolution - noun the action of coiling or twisting or winding together; a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain; the shape of something rotating rapidly
Many factories have a convolution process for many of their products.
cull - noun the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality; verb remove something that has been rejected; look for and gather
Some of my school work can be culled.
disparate - adj. including markedly dissimilar elements;fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
My girlfriend and I have disparate qualities.
dogmatic - adj. characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles; relating to or involving dogma; of or pertaining to or characteristic of a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative
Many people are dogmatic and refuse to listen to others opinions.
licentious - adj. lacking moral discipline; especially sexually unrestrained
Many teenagers act licentious because of their hormones.
mete - noun a line that indicates a boundary
There mete that separates Texas and Mexico is the rio grande river.
noxious - adj. injurious to physical or mental health
Smog is noxious to our well-beings.
polemic - adj. of or involving dispute or controversy; noun a controversy (especially over a belief or dogma); a writer who argues in opposition to others
His watch was his one of his best accoutrements.
apogee - noun apoapsis in Earth orbit; the point in its orbit where a satellite is at the greatest distance from the Earth; a final climactic stage
The apogee of the sun rotating the earth happens once a year.
apropos - adj. of an appropriate or pertinent nature; adv. by the way; at an opportune time
The final note in the article about the need for insulation isapropos.
bicker - noun a quarrel about petty points; verb argue over petty things
Children tend to bicker when they don't get what they want.
coalesce - verb fuse or cause to grow together; mix together different elementsA lot of chemists coalesce their test subjects together.
contretemps - noun an awkward clash
John had a contretemps conversation with his father about puberty.
convolution - noun the action of coiling or twisting or winding together; a convex fold or elevation in the surface of the brain; the shape of something rotating rapidly
Many factories have a convolution process for many of their products.
cull - noun the person or thing that is rejected or set aside as inferior in quality; verb remove something that has been rejected; look for and gather
Some of my school work can be culled.
disparate - adj. including markedly dissimilar elements;fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
My girlfriend and I have disparate qualities.
dogmatic - adj. characterized by assertion of unproved or unprovable principles; relating to or involving dogma; of or pertaining to or characteristic of a doctrine or code of beliefs accepted as authoritative
Many people are dogmatic and refuse to listen to others opinions.
licentious - adj. lacking moral discipline; especially sexually unrestrained
Many teenagers act licentious because of their hormones.
mete - noun a line that indicates a boundary
There mete that separates Texas and Mexico is the rio grande river.
noxious - adj. injurious to physical or mental health
Smog is noxious to our well-beings.
polemic - adj. of or involving dispute or controversy; noun a controversy (especially over a belief or dogma); a writer who argues in opposition to others
Writing during the Civil War was very polemic.
populous - adj. densely populated
New York is a populous city.
probity - noun complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
Nelson Mandela was a man who showed great probity.
repartee-noun adroitness and cleverness in reply
Many politicians show repartee in their debates.
supervene - verb take place as an additional or unexpected development
Many real estate developments are supervened when the price if houses are low.
New York is a populous city.
probity - noun complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
Nelson Mandela was a man who showed great probity.
repartee-noun adroitness and cleverness in reply
Many politicians show repartee in their debates.
supervene - verb take place as an additional or unexpected development
Many real estate developments are supervened when the price if houses are low.
truncate - adj. terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off; verb make shorter as if by cutting off; approximate by ignoring all terms beyond a chosen one; replace a corner by a plane
Some speeches at graduations need to be truncated.
unimpeachable - adj. beyond doubt or reproach; completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach; free of guilt; not subject to blame
President JFK was unimpeachable.
Some speeches at graduations need to be truncated.
unimpeachable - adj. beyond doubt or reproach; completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach; free of guilt; not subject to blame
President JFK was unimpeachable.
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